Interesting places

Below are some especially interesting places found along the Great Wall of China. They are listed in a roughly east to west order.

See Locations for details on all Great Wall locations.

Hushan – Tiger Mountain, the northeastern end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Santaizi – Interesting and well-preserved tower in Liaoning
Laolongtou – Old Dragon's Head, the eastern end of the main line of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Shanhaiguan – Mighty easternmost pass of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Zhuizishan – Major branching point of the Great Wall
Jiumenkou – Large and famous water gate
Baiyangyu – The "Marble Great Wall"
Shenweilou – Very unusual and beautiful tower
Liujiakou – Site of a very large water gate tower and interesting area of the Great Wall
Panjiakou – Also called Xifengkou, where the wall is buried under a man-made reservoir
Wangjinglou – Large and high tower and excellent viewpoint
Tianqiao – Very narrow and dangerous span of wall at Simatai
Xiannulou – Narrow and legendary tower at Simatai
Tianti – Steep and dangerous Heavenly Ladder at Simatai
Xiwuyanlou – Large and high tower and excellent viewpoint
Zhengguantai – Large and unusual combination of three towers at Mutianyu
Zhengbeilou – Large and high tower and excellent viewpoint
Yingfeidaoyang – Imposing part of the Jiankou Great Wall
Beijingjie – Major branching point of the Great Wall
Jiuyanlou – Large and high tower and excellent viewpoint
Parallelogram – Unique tower at Huajiayao
Dajingmen – Large gate at Zhangjiakou
Zhenbeitai – Very large tower at the approximate middle of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Jiayuguan – Major fortress at the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Number One Tower – Westernmost tower of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall
Yumenguan – Large pass that once represented the end (or beginning) of the Silk Road